Justin Li

Return to Blogging


I'm in the middle of statement of purpose hell right now, but I'm pausing just to say this: I need to start this blog back up.

In the time between last spring break and now, I have posted very rarely, from almost daily in February to only once in July. I know I was on "hiatus", and "didn't have time" to post, so I just neglected this thing.

But as I was looking at grad schools and the professors there, I realized that those days of blogging daily was one of my more creative and innovative days. I forced myself to write, to think, and this blog became a record of that. I had to merge ideas to write longer posts on computer science or religion. I had to find material for jokes, and do research to see if my ideas have been attempted before.

Compared to that, now I barely write. My personal journal has fallen into entries once or twice a week, and most of that is retelling of events in my daily and personal life. While that is illuminating and entertaining for my future self, I can literally feel my "mental muscles" going into decline. If I being on break from this blog allows me to make arguments against thinking, then it's time I'm back to blogging. I need that pressure to keep myself productive.

So keep an eye out. This blog will soon be back to daily postings (in the limit). I expect to start around 2008-12-15, but definitely before 2008-12-20.

Thank you all.